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Sex doll customers can cross the main entrance Customers who want to “try out” dolls can go through the main entrance, because the store also sells hair care products, no one will be smarter. From there, the owner collects customer information. There are several dolls to choose from. Why sex doll "brothels" may actually be a good thing. The brothel is scheduled to open on September 8 near Sherad Avenue. However, when the news about the opening ceremony spread, the city responded that it violated the charter that banned nearby adult entertainment venues for decades. Shows the meaning of the sex doll rental business. Mini Flat Chest TPE Sex Doll We hope that you can enjoy any fantasy or superstition you want without judgment or shame. “The entrepreneur behind the company – he agreed to let the Sun visit his warehouse without anonymity because he works in other industries – there are 500 customers who say the business is booming. Many customers every week or every two Return once a week. "We have six dolls. He recalls that we sold four on Labor Day weekend. Although the owners think the industry is "strange", he has not judged. "We have always heard the word, 'interesting', As a witness. "A lifelike silicone doll can help people get experiences they might not have easily." Sex dolls may even be good for relationships. After protests from residents and parliamentarians, he was closed before the opening of the avenue. Regional square. A decade-long charter has been dug up, prohibiting “adult entertainment” stores from operating at that location. Professors at the University of British Columbia participated in the gender of the new Japanese sex doll robot: social and ethical. As she pointed out in the press release, “I predict that their usability will provide couples with more opportunities to define their own types of marriage. One example might be that more couples can choose “compliance marriages” that do not involve sex. ", and only focus on creating a family." While the idea of “renting my own” TPE sex doll business has made all my tendencies excessive, they do provide (possibly) beneficial services for a certain segment of the population. As the urdolls website says, “Our vision is to bring you an exciting new way to meet your needs without the many limitations and limitations that a true partner can bring.